4.4 Snippet Variable Reference

Snippets are short bits of text that you find yourself typing into your transcript over and over again. Snippets may include one or more variables that are expanded in useful text.

All known variables are described here. Each description begins with an example to make the variable's role clear.

Variable Description
concat() $concat(cat, a, log) → catalog
Concatenates any number of parameters into a single string. (There's really no earthly reason to use this function. We put it in because it's an easy way to demonstrate how parameters work.)
clock_long $clock_long → 2:23:50 PM
A longer description of the current clock time. The exact format will depend on your locale (example is for the United States). (We're using 'clock time' to refer to the time on your watch, and 'time' to refer to the current time of your movie.)
clock_short $clock_short → 2:23 PM
A shorter description of the current clock time. The exact format will depend on your locale (example is for the United States). (We're using 'clock time' to refer to the time on your watch, and 'time' to refer to the current time of your movie.)
date_abbrev $date_abbrev → Wed, Dec 31, 1997
An abbreviated form for the current date. The exact format will depend on your locale (example is for the United States).
date_long $date_long → Wednesday, December 31, 1997
A long form for the current date. The exact format will depend on your locale (example is for the United States).
date_short $date_short → 12/31/1997
A short form for the current date. The exact format will depend on your locale (example is for the United States).
doc_name $doc_name → example.inqscr
The file name of the current document.
doc_path $doc_path → /Users/jsmith/Documents/example.inqscr
The full path to the current document. The example is for Mac OS X; Windows paths use backslashes instead of forward slashes.
media_name $media_name → example.mov
The name of the current media object. Typically, this means the file name.
media_path $media_path → http://www.sample.com/example.mov
The full path of the current media object. For files, this is the path name. For a URL-based media object, this is the URL (as the example shows).
selection $selection → the selected text
Whatever text is currently selected. This variable is useful if you want to adorn the existing text. For example, in the above case, <p>{\$selection}</p> → <p>the selected text</p>.
time $time → [00:01:23.05]
The current timecode of the media object, formatting using your current settings. Inserting this variable does exactly the same thing as selecting the <span class='docMenu'>Edit > Insert Time</span> menu item.
time_frames $time_frames → 05
Returns just the frames component of the current timecode of the media object.
time_hours $time_hours → 00
Returns just the hours component of the current timecode of the media object.
time_minutes $time_minutes → 01
Returns just the minutes component of the current timecode of the media object.
time_offset() $time_offset(00:10:00.00) → [00:11:23.05]
Returns the current timecode, offset by the amount passed in the parameter. Enter a negative timecode (e.g. -00:01:00.00) to offset in the other direction.
time_raw $time_raw → 00:01:23.05
Returns the timecode without any additional formatting (e.g. no brackets).
time_raw_offset() $time_raw_offset(-00:00:01.00) → 00:01:22.05
Works exactly like time_offset(}, except that it returns an unformatted result like time_raw.
time_reel $time_reel → 001b
QuickTime movies that have a timecode track may associate a reel name (or source name) with the timecode track. This variable returns that value.
time_seconds $time_seconds → 23
Returns just the seconds component of the current timecode of the media object.
version $version → 2.0.5
Returns the version of InqScribe you're using.