4.3 Snippet Variables

Snippets are short bits of text that you find yourself typing into your transcript over and over again. Snippets may include one or more variables that are expanded in useful text. This page describes how variables work.

For a complete list of snippet variables, check out the Snippet Variable Reference page.

Simple Variables

A simple variable is shown below. The text to the left of the arrow is what you would type into the Snippet field when you define your snippet. The text to the right of the arrow is the result: what is inserted into your transcript.

{$time} → [00:01:23.05]

Variables can be mixed in with regular snippet text. For example, if you want to create a snippet that enters the current time followed by a specific speaker's name, you could create a snippet that looks like this:

{$time} Chris: → [00:01:23.05] Chris:

Assign that snippet to a hot key and you'll save yourself a lot of typing.

Variable names are not case sensitive.

{$TIME} {$time} → [00:01:23.05] [00:01:23.05]

If you want to include the literal variable name (e.g. "{$TIME}"), just place a \ before the opening bracket.

\{$time} → {$time}

Functions (aka Parameterized Variables)

Certain variables take one or more parameters; you can think of them as functions or macros. Here's an example:

{$concat(param1, param2)} → param1param2

Here's a more useful example that uses the parameter to calculate an offset from the current time (00:01:23.05).

{$time_offset(00:10:00.00)} → [00:11:23.05]

Note that you cannot use variables within another variable's parameters. For example, don't do this.

{$time_offset({$time})} → KABOOM!1

Advanced Variable Tricks and Tips

If you want to include the reel name in your inserted timecode, just create something like this.

Reel {$time_reel} {$time_raw} → Reel 001b 00:01:23.05

If you prefer to have timecodes entered in a special format, you can use the component variables to build up your own private timecode format. (If you do this, note that InqScribe won't necessarily recognize that what you inserted is a timecode.)

{$time_hours}h {$time_minutes}m {$time_seconds}s {$time_frames}f → 00h 01m 23s 05f

If you find you're consistently 2 seconds late when you enter timecodes, you can create a snippet that account for your slow reactions.

{$time_offset(-00:00:02.00)} → [00:01:22.05]

1 Ok, InqScribe won't really blow up. But we aren't responsible for what does happen, which will probably be something like the outer $time_offset variable being ignored.